My Story
Kevin Brellenthin, LMT
Massage found me via a Father’s day gift in 2007. I was burnt out and unhappy with my career in the trades; something needed to shift. At a time I needed direction most, my family bought me my first massage ever. I was 35 years old.
Not only were the soothing physical effects immediate, but the draw to pursue more knowledge of the field was impossible to ignore. It called to me. I sought out the best schools in the area and enrolled in the following fall semester. One year later, I ended my journey in the trades and began massage full time. I had no idea if I was going to be successful, and I gave myself no other option. It has been the most rewarding transition of my life
It’s hard to enjoy all that life has to offer when one is suffering physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In the big picture, I seek to be a part of a cooperative group of health and wellness practitioners who work together to develop effective treatment plans to return your being to optimal balance and health through a variety of modalities.
My goal is to use massage to help you move better and feel better, leaving your session feeling released, invigorated, and more balanced.
What to expect during your session with me
Each person has unique, complex needs. As a massage therapist, my mission is to provide flexible and effective treatments catering to each client’s goals that change as their needs do. It all starts with your story. Based on your intake, the session may include some or all of the following:
Postural assessment and recommendations
Assessment of concerns
Therapeutic massage
Medical cupping
Hot stone massage
Use of essential oils
Referral to appropriate professionals inside or outside our group
Recommendations for self-care
After we discuss your treatment plan, you can expect my full presence and focused healing intention throughout your session. Your feedback is greatly appreciated so I can treat and adjust the massage appropriately and to your comfort.
You may experience a variety of sensations during treatments: relaxation, muscular release, burning/itching, pain in varying degrees, referral sensations, stretching and tractioning, and emotional release. These are all normal, healthy experiences in the healing process. However, if any become unmanageable or there are other symptoms of concern, do not hesitate to communicate with me so I can adjust the treatment/technique.
Techniques and Education
Licensed Massage Therapist (#4493-146) at Lakeside School of Massage Therapy 2008
Neurosomatics (Neuromuscular Therapy)
Swedish, Trigger point, Connective tissue release, prenatal, stretching, hydrotherapy training
Sacred Stone Massage
Tao Shiatsu - Level 1 Practitioner
Medical Cupping
Chronic pain management coursework
Massage for headaches, facial and neck pain
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
(Practicing at the east side location on Mondays & Thursdays)
(and every 3rd weekend)
Kevin is not taking new clients at this time. Email to be added to his waitlist.